Saturday, July 30, 2011

Here We Go Again !!!

This month has been a busy one, plus blogger hasn't been letting me post.  We'll see if this works. I had a surprise visit from my sister, her husband, her daughter, and Joshua, her grandson. They were only here for the day but what a great visit. They live in Maryland - a nine hour drive away and stopped on their way through to upsate New York.  Joshua is 4 and a little love.  This was the first time I've seen him other than pictures. He is such a happy child. He is actually my great nephew -- where does the time fly to. I can remember Stacy at this age. sigh !!!
Sissy, Stan, Stacy and Joshua

Sissy, my " baby sister" and me -- DH in the background

Josh and Auntie

For Joshua !!!

Another surprise afternoon visit from my Aunt and Uncle that same week.  They live in Massachusetts. She is my best friend and a very special person to me.
Aunt Duggy and Uncle Gil

As far as stitching, I have been plugging along.  I finished the second part of the Berlin Work Sampler and the Summer Heart is complete. Both are SAL's on Sticklounge. I really am enjoying the Berlin Work Sampler.  I love watching all the colors come together. It has 36 different colors for the whole design. Can't wait for more. LOL i am thinking of making summer Heart into a pillow.  I just need to decide on the fabic and style.

Berlin Work Sampler Part 2 / Pelin Tezer / Sticklounge

Summer Heart / Sticklounge

Well I guess that is all for now. Thank you for stopping by. Take care and have a great day !!


mdgtjulie said...

Hi Dusty, I saw where you had posted on another blog, so I had to say hello. I'm still on Multiply, but I have a lot of my Multiply blogs on my blogspot list. (Except for those that blogger won't let me add. It just sits there and smiles at me while refusing to do anything, lol.) Nice to see you here too!!!! Btw, really cute piccys. Love your great nephew. He's too cute. Glad you got some family time with them all!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Great to see your family Dusty - it's good to have visitors :0

As always your stitching is gorgeous x x

Lesleyanne said...

Great photos of your visiting family. Lovely progress on your stitching.

DUSTY said...

Thanks ladies -- now if I could just stay awayfrom the computer, maybe I would get more stitching done. LOL

mdgtjulie said...

I'm oh so familiar with that feeling!!! If I wasn't spending so much time reading blogs (and lusting after charts), I would get more stitchy time. Also, just so you know, I keep seeing the title of your blog post in my emails, and I keep singing Here I Go Again on My Own, lol. Thanks for that!

Julie said...

Lovely pics of your family Dusty and super stitching

Meari said...

Sounds like you've had a nice visit from family members.

Your stitching is very prettty!

Shari said...

thanks for visiting my blog.....I appreciate it!
Love the train you did for special!!