Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

First I would like to wish everyone a nice Valentine's Day. DH took me out to dinner last night so we could avoid all the crowds. Too many people tend to tire him. He is still doing well. He has his bad days but not like before. I have been away from the computer for the last week because of a death in the family. My Aunt passed away. She was 81 years old and put up a good fight but died in the end. She has been failing for a while. Now she is at peace. I had to go out of state for the funeral. DH stayed home as I was only gone overnight. Thank good for cell phones, he had contact with me at all times and a neighbor was there if he needed anything, thankfully there were no emergencies.

I managed to finish my February Heart for the Brides Tree SAL and finished two more parts on the Marquoir Christmas Mystery. i just hope I can get it finished before the deadline at the end of the month. My fingers have been flying every chance I get. Here are my efforts so far. e


Annie Bee said...

Sorry to hear of your Aunt passing. Glad that DH is doing better. Love your February Heart such a beautiful colour.

DUSTY said...

Thank you, the thread is Watecolour by Caron Collection in Fraise du Bois. I don't have the number handy but if you want it I will look for it.

Carolyn NC said...

So sorry to hear about your aunt. Love your heart and Christmas mystery - great job!

DUSTY said...

Thanks Carolyn